Welcome Page Turners!
The turn of a page has brought you here. We meet you where your sights scroll over digital screen, and where your fingers meet print. The stories we publish are yours: the speculative fiction, the mystery, the thriller, the horror, the fantasy, and the romance that has always moved you.
In contrast to most respected magazines that publish literary narratives, we push genre fiction forward. “Pop Fic” is the nickname of the Popular Fiction Writing and Publishing Master’s program at Emerson College that sparked this publication. “Pop Fic” sounds light, it sounds fun, and, often, it is… but we’ve read popular fiction that gripped us so fully it’s imprinted on our bones. With the turn of each page, with the twist of each plot, we lived as those protagonists. So we publish “pop fic,” because the fun matters, and we equally value the craft of genre fiction.
If you’re here to read, you can find our flash fiction contest winners, as well as our short story and flash fiction general submissions, by navigating the tabs at the top of the site. If you’re here to throw down some fiction of your own, then send your words our way by following those tabs to our submission instructions.
Whether you’re a reader, a writer, or both, your next great story is a page away. Keep turning pages.
-Sarah Burton, former Editor-in-Chief