The Magpie Method

By Luke Flanagan  (TW: Brief mention of self harm) Norilsk, Russia is the northernmost city in the world. Six hundred and twenty-one nautical miles to the north, on the west side of October Revolution Island, Cassandra Skowroński sat in a plastic folding chair clicking her mechanical pencil and watching the Read more…


By Naomi Necakov (TW: abuse and violence) No man is burdenless. We carry heavy cargo invisible to the naked eye but blinding to the soul. I harbor such weight during morning, noon, and night. A prince has no time for worrying—ease and grandeur are his only concerns. He does not Read more…

Guard Dog

By Zenia deHaven Cerberus was eyeing the boulder of Sisyphus when a swirling portal cleaved space and time in two.  The hound of hell didn’t notice. There was a true miracle transpiring before him that required all his attention. Sisyphus was rolling his boulder up the mound. This was not Read more…