2024 General Submissions Schedule:
- Fall (7,500 words max): Sept. 18–Nov. 18
- Spring (7,500 words max): Jan. 14–Feb. 14
- Cover Art Contest: Sept. 18–Feb. 11
*Please visit our contest page for more information about genre or prompt-specific contests and schedules*
Submission Guidelines
If you’re a graduate or undergraduate student (from any school) with a genius for genre fiction and/or art, we want to see your work! Please send your original short (7,500 words max) or flash fiction (1,500 words max) stories to us if they fall within the genres of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, or horror. We’re also happy to consider Young Adult and New Adult fiction in those genres, as well as cross-genre fiction. All submitted fiction must be original and not published elsewhere (note: if you have a piece that’s on your personal or author site, still send us that sweet, sweet fiction, but if it’s in another journal or magazine, I’m afraid we can’t accept the submission). We cannot accept work that includes copyrighted material or public figures such as celebrities as characters. Your work may be inspired by public domain fiction but we prefer to see high levels of originality. Please avoid including public figures, such as celebrities, in the fiction you submit.

Submissions should be as follows:
- Saved as a .doc or .docx file
- 12-point Times New Roman or Garamond font
- Double-spaced
- Page-numbered in top right corner
- Either flash fiction (1,500 words max) or a short story (7,500 words max)
- Within the genres of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, or horror
- Edited and polished for publication!
Page Turner Magazine evaluates manuscripts on a blind submission basis. Please DO NOT include any personally identifying details in your manuscript.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but you must notify us immediately if your work is accepted at another publication. At this time, we are unable to consider excerpts from larger works or novels in progress.
We reserve the right to reject submissions that promote or support racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, prejudice, classism, xenophobia, ableism, body-shaming, gratuitous sex/violence, and any other material that the submissions board deems inappropriate for publication. If an author is found to be abusive or engages in harassment, we reserve the right to remove their content from our journal and to decline further submissions from that author.
How to Submit Work
Fill out our Submissions Form (for general submissions, contests, and art) or our Emerson Alumni Form (for the alumni contest only)!
Submit Now
*For more information on our contests, please see click the Contests tab.
File naming convention for your fiction is: [YourTitle].doc
Reminder: Do not include your name in the submission file name or in the document title.
Thank you for choosing to submit work to Page Turner Magazine. We can’t wait to read your fiction!

Note: As with our fiction submissions, do not include your name on the piece, as we evaluate all pieces on a blind submission basis. In addition to the guidelines listed in the above “right to reject” section, we will not accept artwork that includes hateful words, symbols, or any other material that PTM deems inappropriate for display.
- Convey the spirit of genre fiction (subjective, but that is the goal)
- We accept both digital files & high-resolution scans
- Covert art
- size= no larger than A4 (230 mm x 297 mm or 8.268 in x 11.693 in)
- bleed= 0.125 in
- ALL images should be at least 300 ppi
- Saved as a .jpeg file
Ready your artwork as a JPEG. Fill out our Submissions Form (attach artwork to form).
File naming convention for your artwork is: [YourTitle].jpg
File naming convention for your Submissions form is: [Your Name-Your Title]
Reminder: Do not include your name in the file name or in the piece title.
We can’t wait to see your artwork!